Some readers of the Keeling Curve website have asked us about the graphs that show carbon dioxide concentrations since 1700 and over the past 800,000 years, which use a combination of data derived from analysis of the gas contained in ice cores and that obtained from air sampled at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii.
Comment on Recent Readings in Excess of 400 ppm
Instruments at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii recorded atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide greater than 400 parts per million on March 12, 2014 nearly two months earlier than the date on which the milestone was passed in 2013.
Seasonal CO2 Amplitude is Growing as More is Added to the Atmosphere
Northern Hemisphere terrestrial ecosystems are taking “deeper breaths,” according to a multi-agency study
How Much CO2 Can The Oceans Take Up?
A companion phenomenon of emitting CO2 into the atmosphere is the loading of the oceans with elevated levels of carbon dioxide created by fossil fuel burning and other human activities.
Why Does Atmospheric CO2 Peak in May?
Tim Lueker, research scientist in the Scripps CO2 Research Group, only needs one sentence to explain why atmospheric CO2 peaks in May.
Why are Seasonal CO2 Fluctuations Strongest at Northern Latitudes?
The farther north a CO2 reading is made, the wider it swings with the seasons
Why Daily Readings are Sometimes Unavailable
Many readers noticed that there were several days without readings recently.