In 2024, the yearly average level of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) rose faster over the prior year than ever before in the 67-year-old Keeling Curve record. When researchers took the average readings for all 12 months in 2024, the average was 3.58 parts per million (ppm) higher than for 2023’s average. That broke the record for largest jump … Read More
Statement from Scripps Oceanography, UK Met Office on Record High CO2 Buildup
Researchers Richard Betts from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre and Ralph Keeling of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego issued the following statement today regarding new record levels of CO2 in the atmosphere in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The full text of the statement with graphics is available with graphics through this link and is included … Read More
Another Climate Milestone Falls at Mauna Loa Observatory
Peak carbon dioxide levels surpass 411 parts per million for May
Is This the Last Year Below 400?
Leader of Keeling Curve measurement says temporary bump from El Niño could push atmospheric CO2 levels above symbolic threshold for good
American Chemical Society to Honor Keeling Curve in June 12 Ceremony
Scripps Oceanography lab monitoring atmospheric CO2 named National Historic Chemical Landmark
A note on recent readings
In response to a recent reader comment about wide fluctuations in CO2 readings at Mauna Loa, Ralph Keeling and Stephen Walker of the Scripps CO2 Group gave the following answer: It’s fairly normal, especially in the summer time, to see strong afternoon “dips” in the CO2 concentration. The dips are generally caused by upslope winds that that are depleted in … Read More
How are CO2 Data Processed?
Scientists make CO2 measurements in remote locations to obtain air that is representative of a large volume of Earth’s atmosphere and relatively free from local influences that could skew readings.
How Much CO2 Can The Oceans Take Up?
A companion phenomenon of emitting CO2 into the atmosphere is the loading of the oceans with elevated levels of carbon dioxide created by fossil fuel burning and other human activities.