Notice on revised CO2 scale

Robert MonroeMeasurement Notes

As of February 21, 2021, the CO2 data from the Scripps CO2 program are reported on a revised CO2 scale, which has the effect of lowering the recent Mauna Loa record by ∼0.08 ppm compared to the previous scale.      

What does it take for the coronavirus (or other major economic events) to affect global carbon dioxide readings?

Robert MonroeClimate in the News, Measurement Notes

A downturn in global fossil fuel use has been prompted by curtailments of travel and social gatherings in response to the spread of the coronavirus. Could this downturn be reflected in atmospheric carbon dioxide readings that comprise the record known as the Keeling Curve, which is managed by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego? Scripps Oceanography … Read More

Video: How Scientists Measure Carbon Dioxide

Robert MonroeKeeling Curve History, Measurement Notes, Videos

In honor of the 60th anniversary of the Keeling Curve, Ralph Keeling of the Scripps CO2 Program shows how scientists make carbon dioxide measurements and gives a guided tour of the original instruments his father, Charles David Keeling, developed to start the famous record known as the Keeling Curve. In 2018, carbon dioxide levels are expected to exceed 410 parts … Read More